Spring 2017
Virtual Reality for Education: Unity, Android and C#
Developed a VR application to make the primary education more interactive
Combined VR technology with Unity using Google VR SDK. Unity is used to make the application more interactive.
Used NodeMcu to connect FLEX sensors with VR application using the Mosquito server implementing MQTT protocol.
Used Flex sensors to send the signals of Hand gestures like grabbing & releasing object to the Application. (Team of 2)
Fall 2016
Built a web application for a job consultancy firm
Client modules consist of searching, applying for the jobs and viewing the job application status. Admin modules consist of
managing the employers, posting job openings, managing job applications and scheduling interviews.
Java Servlet is used on the server side to process data & communicate with the database. Servlet transfers data to JSP in the
front end, which in turn renders the data & displays it. Ajax is used to send/receive data without reloading page.
Spring 2016
Remote Network Access: Visual basic script
Controlled the working of 20 computers connected in LAN from 1 computer using VB script
Organized a coding event which was supposed to distract the participants by changing the display settings of the computers,
so used the VB script to change the working of the 20 computers at once from a single computer.
Fall 2015
Hospital Management System: HTML, CSS, Javascript.
I developed a desktop application to be used in the hospitals. A centralized system which comprised of
booking appointments, displaying appointment reminders, displaying patient’s medical history & printing prescriptions
Spring 2015
Tic-Tac-Toe: Leap motion Device, Java
Fabricated a simple tic-tac-toe game which took human hand gestures as input
Leap motion device creates 3-dimentional field which tracks any movement inside the field.
Used ‘Robots’ package in java technology to develop the game.